Monday, April 19, 2010

We got a new kitten!

We got a new kitten yesterday! He is so cute, 8 weeks old but tiny for his age, and just so sweet. We named him Calis, from a character in a Raymond E Feist book. We just really needed another cat, what with having four already. What were we thinking! Hopefully the others will eventually get used to having him around. Right now they are warily watching him, and hissing and growling when he gets too close. That is my son, Kevin, holding him. Sorry Kevin, sort of cut your head off, but we really did want a close-up of Calis.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A new design.

This is what I am currently working on. It is a new, original design, and I am really getting excited about the way it looks. It is the first asymmetrical design I have ever done, and it has a new stitch in it that I developed. At least I think it is new, I have never seen anything like it before. 

The nice thing about this design is that there are so many possibilities for it, several different ways that it can be done - bookmark, doily, with a lacy edge. Love it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Victoria Sampler's Spring Biscornu Contest - My entry

Once again, Victoria Sampler is having a Spring biscornu contest. Speaking of tulips, this one is full of them and other spring flowers, a real garden. I was so excited to see somethig springy, and had so many color ideas running through my head that I really had a hard time deciding on them. So I finally ended up using two color schemes, one for each side. The first one is a white linen background, with pinks and blues, and of course yellows to tie the two sides together. The other side is actually a pale yellow linen with yellow klosters and needleweaving. And the "garden" is of course the same colors as the first side. I'm not sure which side I like better. This was such a fun stitching project, and I really enjoyed it. Thanks to Thea for another great design, and for having another contest to challenge us all. To me, it doesn't matter who wins, it is just so interesting to see what everybody comes up with - such a creative bunch of stitchers!

Looks like Spring is finally here!

In my last post, I showed a picture of snow on the patio table. I think that was winter's last hurrah. Yeah, we had some minor flurries and more cold temperatures, but when April arrived, everything changed. This is the earliest spring I have ever seen in this area! In fact, it has been the shortest, mildest winter according to the weathermen. We had no snow in November (unheard of around here) and in March we actually had no snow either as all the snow in that picture actually fell in February. They say it is because of the El Nino conditions. I hope that is all, and not  due to global warming. But regardless, I am enjoying every minute of it, even the thunderstorms. This is my favorite time of year. Just can't wait to see all of the flowering trees and tulips, etc. Wow!